Thursday, June 17, 2010

The First Bread Crumbs

Welcome! This blog will document the life of four women and our journey through the world of food as we walk down our different paths in life. Food is a passion and cornerstone in our lives. It brought us closer over the years as we pigged out over 3AM chinese deliveries, relaxed over Thai food after a hard day's work, gossiped over fresh baked cookies, and bonded over a communal hot pot. Food brings people together and that is definitely most true for us. We believe that sharing our food experiences with each other and with you, our readers, despite the distances and constant changes currently in our young lives, that we will continue to foster our friendships over the many years to come.

We intend to blog about anything AND everything related to food as we see fit... so be ready to read an eclectic mix of posts and to salivate over your keyboards!

- Fizzy

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